Pembelajaran di SMAN 1 GAMPING juga mengembangkan rasa seni, berikut ini foto-foto itu:

Learning in SMAN 1 Gamping also develop a sense of art, the following photos:

Museum Wayang front side

Preparation leave

It is also, first acting ah ..

Young Bima Seno in the series of Bharata Yudha 

Goddess Trijata, Ramayana wayang stories

Rest in pendapa museum 

First thing first Acting ahh ... 

Golek Puppet show 

Observing the forms of puppets 

Italy and Kabuki masks


Anoman white monkey of the Ramayana series and admirers. (Top)

One form of sculpture in Puppet Museum, Yogyakarta. (Photo left)

One form of sculpture in Puppet Museum, Yogyakarta. (Photo left) 

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